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Modern slavery statement

The purpose and scope of this statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that One Call Insurance Services Limited (“One Call”) has taken towards ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its business or supply chain.

This statement relates to the financial period ending 31 December 2023, and to the activities of One Call throughout this period.

One Call's business

One Call provides general insurance products to approximately five hundred thousand customers throughout the UK. One Call is headquartered in Doncaster and operates within the UK, providing non-life insurance solutions to retail and business customers.

One Call's approach to human rights

One Call’s Board Code of Conduct, which is set out in its High Level Policies state that the business will aim to: “Article 4 -Exercise responsibilities to employees, customers, suppliers and other relevant stakeholders, including the wider community. Article 5 - Comply with relevant laws, regulations and codes of practice, refrain from anticompetitive practices, and honour obligations and commitments.”

People in our business

All One Call staff are based in the UK, and the majority are engaged in the development, sale and administration of insurance products. One Call does not therefore consider there to be a high risk that the people within its business are the victims of modern slavery or human trafficking. Nevertheless, One Call has policies in place that are intended to ensure that they are not.

One Call has procedures in place for ensuring that only individuals with the right to work in the UK are employed in its business. These procedures are reviewed annually. During the recruitment process, identity and right to work documentation are obtained in accordance with Home Office guidelines. Where staff are engaged on a temporary basis using recruitment agencies, the agencies are required to undertake appropriate right to work and reference checks on One Call’s behalf.

Suppliers to our business

One Call uses a wide variety of suppliers. Like most large businesses it engages with suppliers of facilities management services, such as cleaning providers. As an insurance broker it also engages with suppliers of goods and services where customers’ property has been lost or damaged, medical and assistance services where customers have suffered accident or injury. One Call recognises that there is a risk that modern slavery and human trafficking may occur in supply chains of this nature.

One Call has procedures in place to ensure that there is oversight over the selection and management of all third party suppliers. These procedures cover the due diligence process, contractual requirements, and ongoing relationship management. Where appropriate, provisions are also included in contracts that require suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act and to provide information on request in relation to such compliance.


One Call has procedures in place to enable employees to raise concerns about wrongful behaviour within its business, including in relation to ethical standards, without fear of reprisal. These procedures are set out in the One Call Whistleblowing Policy which is reviewed at least annually. Ensuring the independence, autonomy and effectiveness of the whistleblowing procedures in place, including those for the protection of staff raising concerns, is the responsibility of the Chair of the Audit Committee.

Ensuring ongoing compliance

One Call has procedures in place to ensure ongoing compliance with the policies referenced in this statement. Adherence to the policies and applicable legislation and guidance is monitored by One Call’s Compliance department.

One Call Insurance Services Limited
23rd June 2024