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Valentine's Day: love and life insurance

Valentine's Day: love and life insurance

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today, we’re looking at the connection between love and life insurance. We know that the topic of life insurance isn’t a small one, but could Valentine’s Day be the perfect time to talk about it with your loved ones?

Here’s the thing about life insurance: you’re paying for it, but you won’t see the benefit of it. So, if you ask us, that’s one of the most selfless gifts of all – motivated by the love you hold for those dear to you.

What you’re paying for is the reassurance that your loved ones are able to, for lack of a better word, comfortably mourn for you without having to stress too much about the cost of things such as funerals or paying for bills on just one income. Not to say that these things will suddenly not be difficult thanks to a life insurance policy, but it will certainly help in an undoubtedly difficult time.

You’ll find that most life insurance applications will ask about your marital status. This seems like a fairly obvious question to ask, but did you know that, according to the Office for National Statistics, people who are married or in a civil partnership tend to live longer?

When looking at five million deaths among those over the age of 20 in England and Wales between 2010 and 2019, analysts found that married men and women had the lowest mortality rates when compared to their single, widowed or divorced counterparts. The study also found that married people in older age groups had lower death rates, too.

It’s thought that the reason for this is because people in relationships provide support systems for their loved ones, particularly in instances of illness. As well as this, married couples with a family tend to have a healthier lifestyle. Plus, being in a life-long relationship and sharing a home with your partner can reduce a number of life’s stresses, such as potential financial struggles by splitting things like bills in a double income household.

Now, we are certainly not implying that you won’t live a long and healthy life if you’re single. Love comes in many shapes and sizes, including self-love!

Life insurance can be self-love. Take critical illness cover for example, which can be added onto your life insurance and helps both you and your loved ones in the event that you’re diagnosed with a critical illness.

So, if you’ve ever wondered about life insurance and asked yourself ‘what’s love got to do with it?’, now you know. And just like your love, life insurance can last a lifetime.

Written by: Shannan Errington

*Please note that the above information has been gathered through secondary research. The information provided is not based on our opinion. You should seek further guidance and information before making an informed decision.


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